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Mahatma Gandhi International School Shrimadhopur works on the philosophy of providing holistic education to all its students while empowering every child with the skills to face the challenges of life and to encourage greater flexibility, accessibility, diversity and innovation at the school level education. School is opened to latest trends, methods and technologies. Reducing wt.of bags, using more and more web based education system,more use of audio visual aids, helping the children to explore new ideas and using effective tools for providing quality education.
Our vision is to help the children to introspect their own strength and weaknesses and guide them to match with the latest career opportunities offered in the present world. Thus our vision is to strive and attain the excellence, in every walk of life.
M.G.I school run by Naval Shikshan Sansthan established in the year 2009 is a co-educational Sr.Sec.English Medium School affiliated to C.B.S.E, New Delhi. Mahatma Gandhi International School is one of the best-equipped schools in Jaipur with facilities that support excellence in all areas. The infrastructure has been suitably planned to accommodate learning and an all round development of the child. The school provides the best possible education to its students. The main objective is to ensure that the youthful energies of all students are channelized towards a holistic development. It aims to develop qualities like integrity, honesty, trust, tolerance and compassion and strives to promote a spirit of enquiry, foster a scientific temper within the bonds of humanism. Students should become a meaningful part of the environment and an asset to the society.
The school building is thoughtfully planned and built with a futuristic design to foster innovative & forward thinking amongst the students. A refreshing and modern approach to teaching using the latest audio-visual and multimedia based teaching aids, coupled with spacious and well-ventilated classrooms with plenty of natural light make for a truly stimulating learning environment.


Near Mahaveer Dal, Ward No.- 3
Shrimadhopur (Sikar) Rajasthan - 332715
Phone : 01575-250771, 9413126176, 9950978096
E-mail : mgischoolsmpr@gmail.com
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